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A to Z of Wakefield School

Absence Procedure

For safety reasons the school requests parents and caregivers contact the school if your child is going to be absent.

Phone: (03) 541 8332

Please telephone the school office before 9.00am every day of your child’s absence.

Skool loop: This is our preferred way of notification as it is sent to the office and your child’s teacher directly. Download the skool loop app in your device’s app store and use the absentee form there. If you need help locating and downloading the app, please follow this link to Skool Loop

Absentees can be emailed directly to the office on [email protected]

When providing the school with information regarding your child being absent, or leaving early on any particular day, please ensure these details are directed to the office (rather than to your child’s teacher) so that the information can be recorded in the absentee register.  We will then ensure this information is passed on to the teacher.

Remember, children’s progress at school is assisted by regular, punctual attendance.

Arrival Times, School Hours, After School Play – School Grounds

School Hours 

8.15am Children from the village arrive
8.40am First bus arrives
9.00am Start of School bell rung
9.05am Morning roll call in class
9.25am – 9.35am Read and Feed
10.30am – 10.50am Morning Play
10.50am – 11.00am Read and Lunch 1
11.50am – 12.00pm Play/Snack/Drink
1.00pm – 1.25pm Lunch Play
1.25pm – 1.45pm Lunch 2
3.00pm End of School bell rung
3.10pm First bus leaves


Arrival Times

Bus students will arrive from 8.40am.  All students not arriving on buses should arrive at school after 8.15am.

Before the school bell rings at 9.00am children are expected to:

  • Have dropped any notices and payments in the ‘drop box’ at the school office.
  • Hung up their bag in their classroom, placed any books and water bottles required for the day on their desk or table and be settled for the  day.


After School Play and Arrangements

All children are expected to leave the school grounds and report in at home after school. The school does not offer any supervision after 3.00pm, except for bus students waiting for their scheduled bus.

If your child is involved in an activity after school on our grounds, or in the village, please ensure they are supervised by an adult while waiting for their activity to start.


Yellow Lines       

You will notice yellow lines painted on the ground near most entry/exit points to the school.  These lines signify to children that they cannot cross this point without an adult.  If you ask your children to wait outside the school grounds or by the swimming pool after school this would put them “out of bounds”, so please remember you will need to collect your child from inside the school grounds.


Out of School Hours (Evenings, Weekends and School Holidays)

We welcome the school grounds being used under adult supervision after school, on weekends and during school holidays.  If you are aware of anyone not showing care and consideration to school amenities please contact the local police station (Ph. 541 8210) for intentional damage, or if the matter is not urgent you can leave a message on the school answerphone (Ph. 541 8332)

Children under 14 years old need to be supervised.  Pre-schoolers need to be supervised at all times when playing on the playground structure.


Smoke Free School

Wakefield School is a totally smoke free school therefore the school site and all school activities are smoke free.


Whole-school assemblies are held every Friday at 2.30pm in the school hall. Parents, caregivers and family members are encouraged to attend.  All school assemblies are student-led and focus on celebrating learning and achievement. Some learning teams also hold their own assemblies and parents are notified of the days and times of these.


It is a legal responsibility for parents to ensure their children attend school whenever it is open for instruction.  Family holidays and long weekends should be arranged during the school vacations.  Children miss out on important learning opportunities and activities when they are absent.  We do however acknowledge that there are times when your children will not be able to attend, particularly due to illness.

Wakefield School currently uses the following codes to record children’s absences for the Ministry of Education:

P        –        Present in class

L        –        Late – arrived after the school roll has been marked *see note below

M       –        Sick/Injured, unable to attend school

D       –        Doctor/Dentist appointment

Q       –        Attending a school trip/camp

A        –        Attending alternative education (One Day School, RDA)

O       –        Overseas

J        –        Justified Explained Absence


There are many occasions that fit into ‘Justified’ absence, some of these are;  custody arrangements, sick relatives, funerals, arrival of new family members and relatives visiting from overseas.  These are events that cannot be ‘planned for’ during weekends and term holidays.

G       –        Holiday During School Term

E        –        Unjustified but Explained Absence

T        –         Unjustified and Unexplained Absence/No Reason Given

Again there are many occasions that fit into ‘Unjustified’ absence, some of these are; family holidays and long weekends during term time,  shopping and birthday events. These are events that should take place during weekends and term holidays. If you choose to take your child out of school for these activities it could be classed as ‘parental condoned truancy’.


Wakefield School participates in a school banking programme with ASB Bank.  To open a bank account for your child please feel free to collect a ‘banking kit’ from the school office or visit ASB in Richmond.  Children can bring their completed deposit form and money in the plastic bank bag to school and put it in the ‘drop box’ at the office.

Behaviour Management

At Wakefield School we aim to provide a safe and supportive learning environment for all children.

We expect high standards of behaviour from our students and are proud of our positive and supportive school culture.  We have established a set of common values that are actively encouraged, modelled and developed throughout the school.  These values, along with a few explicitly stated rules, provide the basis of our school wide expectations.

We have also developed agreed principles and procedures for managing behaviour.  These focus on promoting positive choices while dealing with issues in a consistent and transparent manner.  Parents will be immediately informed of emerging trends, unacceptable behaviour or following a serious incident.

Children are empowered with strategies for dealing with conflict and senior students are trained and rostered as mediators to support their peers through a mediation process.

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees comprises several parent representatives elected by parents of the school, a staff representative elected by the staff, and the principal. The board is elected every three years to undertake the governance of the school.

For further information please visit the BOT page.


A contracted transport company operates two buses to convey children to and from school on two separate routes.  Children eligible for school transport assistance are students under 10 who live more than 3.2 kilometres from the nearest school, and students 10 and over who live more than 4.8 kilometres from the nearest school, where no suitable public transport system is available.  Eligible students can be required to make their own way or be taken by parents, up to 1.6 kilometres at least, to a school bus service.

To register your child to use the school bus please visit the school office.

Children are checked off the bus roll at the end of the day and buses depart as soon as practical after school.  Please notify the school if your child is not travelling on the bus at the end of the day. Children who are not lined up to be checked on the roll are assumed not to be on the bus that day.  Children who miss the bus will need to contact home to organise alternative transport.

Child Protection

Wakefield School aims to ensure the safety and security of all children by practising open and accountable child-centred decision-making. We recognise the importance of involving family/whānau in decision-making about their children, and will involve children in decision-making about themselves in age-appropriate ways. We acknowledge that child protection is everyone’s responsibility and we promote our child protection policies to our school community.

“Child”, in the context of our school’s child protection policies, means a child or young person aged under 18 years (who is not married or in a civil union) – Vulnerable Children Act 2014.

We take concerns about the safety of students seriously, and respond to them quickly. Prevention and early intervention are important, and we support the principle of applying the least intrusive intervention possible to protect vulnerable children.

We share information with appropriate agencies if sharing that information will protect or improve the safety, health, or well-being of a child. By law, we can share information with Child, Youth and Family, and the police.

Schools are subject to the Vulnerable Children Act 2014, and must have child protection policies which are readily available. As required by the Act, child protection practices are incorporated into our policies and procedures. Wakefield School has a designated person responsible for child protection policies. Our designated person is the principal, and is the primary point of contact for concerns about a child, including concerns about abuse or neglect. Our child protection policies apply to school staff, contractors, and volunteers.

Key child protection related policies and procedures can be found by clicking the following link to access SchoolDocs, you will just need to click in the search bar on the left and type in Child Protection.


Policies and procedures for Wakefield School can be found here:

Logon: wakefield

Password: village

Concerns and Complaints

Parents and teachers have the same goal – the best possible education for the children.  However, differences in approach and in ways of attaining these goals, can lead to misunderstandings and misinterpretation.  Regular and congenial discussions between parents and teachers are extremely valuable.   If at any time you have a concern about a school issue we encourage you to follow the established procedures the school has in place.

These procedures are outlined below:


If you have a concern we encourage you to arrange a meeting with your child’s teacher.  If for any reason you are uncomfortable talking to the teacher please feel free to contact the office to arrange to meet with one of the Deputy Principals.

If the initial meeting does not resolve the issue to your satisfaction, we invite you to contact the office to arrange an appointment with the Principal.


If, after following these procedures, the concern has not been dealt with to your satisfaction, you should detail the matter in writing to the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees who is obliged to follow up the situation with the school management team.

Doctors/Hospital/Specialists Visits

If your child has an appointment during the school day please ensure you advise the office when you come to school to collect your child.  If they are returning during the school day please drop by the office to let us know they are back in class.


The Board of Trustees has set a voluntary school donation of $40.00 per student with a maximum of $100.00 per family. This donation assists with the purchase of additional resources which fall outside of those supplied or covered by grants.

School donations may be paid online here.

Education Outside the Classroom (EOTC)

In line with Ministry of Education guidelines Wakefield School has policies and procedures on ‘Education Outside the Classroom’ (EOTC). The school uses a process to identify and manage risks at every level of activity and this process is monitored by the board and the principal.  We recognise three levels of activities, according to their associated risk, each with specific requirements regarding parental/caregiver consent.

On enrolment a blanket consent from parents is provided for all level 1 and 2 activities as their risk level is considered low, meaning that the risks are seen as comparable to a child’s typical day.  While there is a low risk, we will continue to work proactively to identify and manage these to minimise or prevent them from occuring.  Parents and caregivers will be informed by newsletter or email prior to any level 2 activities but will not be required to return a permission slip.  If you are concerned about the reliability of your child bringing newsletters home please ensure an email address is provided to the office.

For all level 3 activities a permission slip and any additional forms will be sent home with your child.


EOTC Activity Levels


Level 1

An event at school or within the immediate village area.  Examples:

  • Sports events
  • Fun days
  • Cross country training
  • School swimming programme
  • Lookout walks
  • Destinations within the village

Consent required:  Blanket permission provided on enrolment or following policy review.


Level 2

An off site event finishing before 4pm with a low level of risk associated.  Examples:

  • Cluster sporting events
  • Visits to other schools
  • Provincial Museum
  • Suter Art Gallery
  • Action Indoor Sports Centre
  • Swimming (commercial facility)
  • State Cinema

Parents are advised of the finishing time if it is later than 2.55pm.

Consent required: Blanket permission provided on enrolment or following policy review.  Parents informed prior to the event.


Level 3

An on/off site event with higher level of risk associated.  Examples:

  • Bike riding (road)
  • Swimming (sea/river)
  • Mapua aquarium
  • Beach days
  • Rock climbing/abseiling
  • Industrial site visits
  • Tramps *
  • Camps *
  • Ski trips*

Consent required:  Parent/Caregiver informed, consent required for each specific event. *Parent consent, risk disclosure and health profile needed.


All parents and caregivers are asked to provide alternative contact numbers in case of an emergency. It is in your child’s interest that we know how to contact you or someone nominated by you at short notice. Please keep the school informed of all your contact information. If you or your nominated emergency contact cannot be reached we will take action as we feel appropriate.

First Aid and Health Care

First Aid

Every reasonable precaution is exercised to ensure accidents do not happen. Unfortunately there are occasions where children injure themselves. Minor injuries receive first-aid treatment from the teacher on duty, or the administration staff.  In all cases of serious injury the parent is notified immediately and the necessary medical attention is sought from the local health centre or the appropriate emergency service.

Medical Consents  

If your child is required to take prescription medicine during school hours please supply the medicine to be administered and complete a medical consent process at the school office..  The school will store the medicine safely and record each dosage given.

Public Health Service  

The Nelson Marlborough District Health Board provides a Public Health Service that families can access for support with immediate or ongoing health needs.  Contact information is here:

Dental Therapist

The Community Oral Health mobile clinic regularly visits Wakefield School.  The dental service contacts families to make appointments. If you require dental assistance when the Mobile Unit is not at Wakefield School please phone the Richmond Oral Health Clinic; (03) 539 5320.

Vision and Hearing Testing  

This is carried out by the Nelson Marlborough Health Service.  All new entrants and any new enrolments who have not been previously tested, plus any referrals, are tested.


We welcome the school grounds being used under adult supervision after school and on weekends. Please contact the school on 541-8332 if you are aware of anyone not showing care and consideration to the school amenities.

Children under 14 years old need to be supervised. Pre-schoolers need to be supervised at all times when playing on the playground structure.


Home and School Communication

We encourage parents, families and community to stay in close contact with the school.  Our children’s learning flourishes in a strong home-school partnership. We regularly communicate with you in the following ways:

School Newsletter:

Every two weeks, sent out by email and posted on our website.  Some families may also receive a paper copy if they do not have email access.


Assemblies happen every Friday afternoon from 2.30pm, you can keep an eye on the school calendar for any changes to this time.

Informal Contact

 If you have any queries about your child’s progress, school programme, well-being or other matters at school it is important to raise them with your child’s teacher as soon as possible.  If you wish to talk with your child’s teacher we encourage you to email them directly (see staff contact details), or to phone the office and arrange a time to meet..


If you have a talent or interest to share, we welcome your involvement.  At the beginning of each year a notice is sent home inviting parents to help with school and classroom activities.  The school appreciates the assistance parents give in many various forms; parent help, sports coaches/managers, library work, working bees, school trips, swimming sports, typing, fundraising events, Board of Trustees events.

Parent Information Evenings  

From time to time you will be invited to attend an information event to discuss a new initiative or programme. Please take advantage of these opportunities to contribute to your child’s schooling.

Parent Focus Groups

From time to time the principal or other staff may seek input from parents into a new initiative or proposed change by way of a parent focus group. Please take advantage of these opportunities to contribute to the school’s planning and improvement process.

Parent Education Opportunities

Throughout the year we will create opportunities for you to improve your support of your child’s learning. These may include the Reading Together programme to support good reading practice with your child, computer and internet skills and mathematics support. Please look out for these invitations and make use of them. Tell us if there is an area of parent education you would like support with and we will attempt to meet your needs.

Questionnaires and Surveys

This form of communication is used to gauge community opinion.  Please respond if you want your opinion considered. Every two years the board of trustees conducts an extensive community survey.  The information from this is used to shape school programmes and policies.

School Gatherings

 Sporting, cultural and school trip activities are regular events and are a good way to become involved in your child’s education.  All information on upcoming events is available through the school newsletter and on this website.

School Website

We endeavour to keep our website up to date with news and information.

Separated Parents

A separation is a challenging time for all the people concerned.  Often one of the major breakdowns is around communication. It’s just too painful or stressful to have that contact and yet you are both still joint guardians of your children. We encourage both parents to continue to have contact with the school and be part of their child’s education.  Through the school website parents are able to access all newsletters, class and syndicate notices and parent teacher interview information. By emailing the child’s teacher directly a copy of the child’s report can be requested. We encourage any parent or guardian ‘not living in the home’ to regularly visit the website to view this information.


Foxhill Learning Centre – The School Library

For more information regarding the library please click here.

Lost Property

All clothing should be clearly named.  When unmarked clothing is found it is placed in the lost property box in the foyer area between rooms 5 & 6. Any unclaimed property is sent to charitable organisations at the end of each term.


Healthy Food Choices

We encourage you to fill your child’s lunchbox with foods that help them learn, grow and stay healthy.  If you involve your children in making their own lunches they are more likely to eat them.

Wakefield School promotes healthy food choices.  Foods classified as “occasional treats” are not recommended in the school setting, including: chips, pastries, large cookies, large muffins and cakes. The following items must not be included at any time:

  • sweets
  • chocolate
  • fruit strings
  • fruit loops
  • Fizzy drinks
  • Fruit juice
  • Flavoured milk

Fruit leather and rollups are also discouraged as these are a major source of tooth decay in children.

We allow only water and milk to drink.  Milk is available three days per week free to children through the Fonterra Milk in Schools programme.

For up-to-date advice on recommended food choices and tips for preparing healthy and attractive lunches please click here to visit the 5+A Day website or call into the school office and pick up a brochure.

We encourage families to reduce waste by using lunchboxes with compartments and avoiding pre-packaged food.  Use paper wrapping instead of plastic. All lunch wrappers are retained in lunchboxes and taken home.


See First Aid & Health Care.

Music Lessons

Wakefield School offers private music lessons during school time with qualified music teachers.  Our music teachers are Tom Watson, Rachel Randrup and Greg Mills. Important information about the in-school music lessons are:

  • lessons are for Year 3 through to Year 6 students;
  • lessons are held on Wednesdays and Thursdays;
  • children are released from class to attend their lesson;
  • tuition caters for beginners through to advanced players
  • fees are payable at the beginning of each term;
  • fees are paid online directly to the music tutor.

Children doing music lessons are eligible to join the rock band and other performance groups, which are also taught by the music teachers.  There is no cost to families for this additional opportunity. Tuition costs are below:

Individual guitar 15 minutes ($125 per term)

Individual guitar 30 minutes ($250 per term)

Individual bass guitar 20 minutes ($175 per term)

Individual drum 15 minutes ($125 per term)

Individual drum 30 minutes ($250 per term)

Individual keyboard 20 minutes ($175 per term)

Individual piano 20 minutes ($175 per term)

Group guitar lessons ($80 per term)

Group ukulele lessons ($80 per term)

Group vocal lessons ($80 per term)


The Wakefield School newsletter is published fortnightly.

If you would like to receive our newsletter by email please click here.


Online Banking

The school now has systems in place to receive online banking payments from parents.  Payments can be accepted for any school activity, but please note; the payment needs to be made at least 2 working days prior to the due date to ensure we receive it in our bank account before the activity/trip.  Sorry, we cannot accept online payments for school lunch orders, or the school photos, or Scholastic Book Club.

If you wish to make a payment online we do ask that in the reference details you include:
* Your child’s name and surname
* Reason for payment, e.g. Cricket, Show Tickets

Account Number: 12-3158-0061798-00

(Please remember to return any permission slip or transport notice to the school office).



The school car park has a drop-off zone marked with yellow lines at the end closest to the office entrance.  This is a ‘pull-through’ zone only, not a parking space. Parking is available in the rest of the school car park and along Treeton Place.  Parking is prohibited outside the school on Edward Street between 8.30am to 9.30am and 2.30pm to 3.30pm from Monday to Friday. The yellow lines on the road apply during the restricted times, but the white car park spaces marked out apply outside of these hours.

Payments and Return Slips

All payments and return slips should be placed in the drop box in the school office.  As all returns go into the one box all money sent to school must be enclosed in a sealed bag or envelope with the return slip and your child’s name, teaching team and what it is for written on the outside of the envelope or bag.  The office will distribute these returns to the teacher or appropriate person.

We also have an Eftpos facility for any purchases, stationery, school activities, sporting fees and payment of the school donation. The eftpos machine also has a credit facility so you can pay by credit card.

Payments for school activities can be made online but please note that payments for trips and activities must be made at least two working days prior to the due date to the event.  Online payments are not possible for school photos, Scholastic Book Club and transport contributions for local trips.

Please include the following information with online payments:* Your child’s name and surname and the reason for the payment.

Account details: Wakefield School Board of Trustees, A/C number: 12 3158 0061798 00

(Please remember to return any permission slip or transport notice to the school office).

Religious Instruction

From 2021 religious instruction is no longer provided

Road Safety

Wakefield School operates a school travel plan in partnership with the Tasman District Council, which monitors safety issues in and around the school.  We encourage children to walk, scooter or cycle to school and we foster safe practices to support this. Children receive regular road safety training. Crossing Edward Street:All children crossing Edward Street before and after school must use the managed crossing point. This road crossing is operated by trained senior student road patrol monitors, with support from school staff members.  Times are: 8.35am to 9.00am and 3.00pm – approx. 3.10pm.

Smoke Free & Vape Free School

Wakefield School is a totally smoke free and vape free school therefore the school site and all school activities are smoke free and vape free.

Split Families

A separation is a difficult time for all the people concerned including parents and children.  Often one of the major breakdowns is around communication.  It’s just too painful or stressful to have that contact and yet you are both still joint guardians of your children.

Through the school website parents are able to access all newsletters, class and syndicate notices and parent teacher interview notices.  They can also email the child’s teacher directly to request a copy of their child’s report. We encourage parents to regularly visit the website to view this information.

Please pass this information on to any guardian or parent not living in the homeAlternatively you can provide a phone number for this person to the school and we can make contact directly.

Sun Safe

The school has a Sun Safe Policy that operates in Term 1 and Term 4 of each year.  All students are expected to comply with this policy.

  • Students must wear hats with a brim that shades the face, ears and neck (caps are not acceptable). “No Hat, Play in the Shade” rule.
  • Students will be discouraged from wearing sleeveless clothing (e.g. “spaghetti strap” tops are discouraged).
  • All staff will set an example by wearing appropriate hats when outside during the 1st and 4th terms.
  • All staff and students are encouraged to use sunscreen on school trips, activity days and sports events.
  • Parents are encouraged to apply sunscreen on their children before each school day.

School sun hats are available for purchase from the office.


Sweets and chewing gum are not permitted at school.


Class swimming takes place towards the end of Term 4 and at the start of Term 1 each year.  Teaching teams organise swimming timetables around their usual classroom programmes. To accommodate all students in the school the children usually have the opportunity to swim up to three times a week.  During Term 1 Year 4-6 students have the opportunity to participate in the Wakefield School Swimming Championships. Qualifying swimmers may then swim in the Waimea Cluster Swimming Championships.

Swimming goggles may be worn during lessons and free swimming times.

Toys & Personal Items

Toys and personal items should remain at home. Toys can cause friction and distraction and can easily be lost or damaged.


Apart from the excursion top described below, Wakefield School does not have a uniform.  Students are expected to dress appropriately for school and to take pride in their appearance. Clothing must conform to Sunsmart expectations (e.g. no bare shoulders), and be appropriate for sports and activity (e.g. suitable footwear for running and playing sport). A wide-brimmed sunhat must be worn in terms 1 and 4.

A Wakefield School excursion top should be worn on school outings and when representing the school at sports and other events. The school excursion top is made from fabric that is breathable, easy to dry, durable and sun smart.  Tops are sold at the school office for $45.00.

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