Waimea Kāhui Ako
The Waimea kāhui ako is a collaboration among 12 schools in the Waimea district. The kāhui ako vision is “to create pathways to success for all our students through strong and purposeful partnerships that improve learning within and across our early childhood centres and schools.”

The kāhui ako is focused on three challenges identified from our recent achievement data:
- To improve achievement in writing for boys in years 1-10
- To recuce the gap berween the achievement of males and females in NCEA (years 11-13).
- To improve educational outcomes for Māori students in years 1-13.
We will meet these challenges through a range of initiatives on five themes:
- Well-being
- Building Relationships
- Transitions
- Culturally Responsive Practice
- Digital Fluency
To see the latest newsletter from the Waimea Kāhui Ako please click this link
To find out more, visit the Waimea kāhui ako Website.